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All courses are taught in an 8-station, climate-controlled welding lab. All necessary tools and materials are provided, including welding jackets, protective gear, and all practice steel required to use in class. Students are given new equipment, to take and keep, along with their gear bag.

WELDING 101: GMAW/Basic Entry Level Mig Welder (160hrs)
WELDING 102: SMAW/Basic Entry Level Arc Welder (160hrs)
WELDING 103: SMAW/GMAW Career Path Course (200hrs)
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WCT ARC_MIG Combo-full.jpg

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us for more information.

Welding Program 2023

This curriculum is designed to meet the industrial demands for welders and is continuously updated to meet specific needs as the trade and its professionals continue to evolve.


We offer training in the following three areas:


Welding Skills Training

Developed to teach actual welding techniques and manipulative skills in all major welding processes. Students new to welding, and those with some previous experience, will achieve a solid understanding of welding processes and the careers available to them.


Technical Training

Designed to teach the theory of welding and related subjects through short courses for technical and management personnel. This creates a better understanding and relationship among workers and managers.


Customized Field Training

Created to solve specific performance issues at your company location. Our instructors will ba available to address the issues any individual technician may be experiencing and assist in correcting the problem, empowering them to excel in their role. This is benecial both to the employer and the welder.

SMAW - Shielded Metal Arc Welding Career


Part Time: 8 weeks / Full Time: 4 weeks    160 Clock hours

SMAW Fundamentals* Part Time:  4 weeks / Full Time: 2 weeks    80 Clock hours 

Credential earned: Qualification in SMAW Fundamentals

Course Objective:

To be able to produce quality single/multipass fillet and square groove welds in all positions using E-6010 and E-7018 electrodes.

Course Content:  

This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of shielded metal arc welding (also known as stick or arc welding), welding safety, arc welding power sources, electrode classifications and selection. It also provides training to develop the skills necessary to make quality shielded metal arc welds in all positions on mild steel from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch plate, single and multiple pass, using mild steel, and low hydrogen electrodes, with DC welding current.


To pass this course, the student is required to take a written test on welding and safety. The student also must pass the following skill tests:  visual and break tests on fillet welds in the horizontal and vertical positions with (E-7018) electrodes in the horizontal and vertical positions using (E-6010) electrodes.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform production welding, millwright and general maintenance welding.

GMAW - Gas Metal Arc Welding Career


Part Time: 8 weeks / Full Time: 4 weeks    160 Clock hours

GMAW Fundamentals* Part Time:  4 weeks / Full Time: 2 weeks    80 Clock hours 

Credential earned: Qualification in GMAW Fundamentals

Course Objective:

To produce quality single and multiple pass fillet welds on carbon steel plate in all positions and to produce quality groove welds on carbon steel plate in the vertical positions using short circuit transfer advancing up to spray transfer on 1/2-inch carbon steel in the horizontal position. Quality is determined through visual inspection and guided bend testing according to AWS requirements.

Course Content:  

Our mig welding course will provide the student with a thorough understanding of welding safety, gas metal arc welding equipment setup and adjustments, metal transfer, and shielding gases. It also develops the skill necessary to make quality gas metal arc welds in all positions on mild steel of 1/16, 3/8 and 1/2-inch plate, using short circuit transfer. This course illustrates problems associated with welding situations and provides corrective information and covers training for the AWS test requirements on 3/8 inch mild steel plate in the horizontal and vertical positions.


To pass this course, the student is required to pass a visual inspection and a guided bend test in the vertical position, using 3/8 inch mild steel plate open root.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform production and maintenance welding on mild steel including high volume fabrication, automotive assembly and repair, structural welding related to buildings and code welding-production on light, medium and heavy assemblies.

SMAW/GMAW combination welding course


Part Time: 12 weeks / Full Time: 5 weeks    200 Clock hours

Credential earned: Qualification in SMAW and GMAW Fundamentals

Course Objective:

To be able to produce quality single / multi-pass fillet and square groove welds ins all positions and joint designs, using both SMAW and GMAW welding processes.

Course Content:  

This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of arc welding, welding safety, arc welding power sources, electrode, wire classifications and selection. It also provides training to develop the skill necessary to make quality Shielded Metal and Gas Metal Arc Welds in all position on mild steel from 16 gauge to 1/2 -inch plate, single and multipass, using mild steel plate with DC welding current.


To pass this course, the student is required to take a written test on welding safety. The student must also pass the following skills test, visual and break test in the horizontal and vertical positions. WCT will offer guided bend test on 3/8-inch bevel plate, based on student skill level.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform production welding, millwright and general maintenance welding in both manufacturing and production.

OxyFuel and Plasma Arc Cutting


3 days    24 Clock hours 

Credential earned: Qualification in OxyFuel and Plasma Arc Cutting Fundamentals

Course Objective:

To be able to produce quality cuts on carbon steels by hand and
machine using OxyFuel and plasma arc cutting techniques.

Course Content:  

This course exposes the student to principles of OxyFuel and plasma arc cutting including all necessary safety practices. Skill is developed in the area of manual and machine flame cutting mild steel plate as well as plasma arc cutting.


To pass this course, the student is required to take a written test on cutting safety. The student must also pass a visual inspection of cutting quality.

Upon completion of the course, student will be able to perform the industrial requirements of OxyFuel cutting, both manual & machine flame cutting essential for maintenance cutting.

Entry to Shielded Metal Arc Welding

160 Clock hours

4/8 weeks ft/pt

Course Objective: 
To be able to produce quality single/multipass fillet and square groove welds in all positions using E-6010 and E-7018 electrodes.


Course Content: 
This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of shielded metal arc welding (also known as stick or arc welding), welding safety, arc welding power sources, electrode classifications and selection. It also provides training to develop the skills necessary to make quality shielded metal arc welds in all positions on mild steel from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch plate, single and multiple pass, using mild steel, and low hydrogen electrodes, with DC welding current.



To pass this course, the student is required to take a written test on welding and safety. The student also must pass the following skill tests:  visual and break tests on fillet welds in the horizontal and vertical positions with (E-7018) electrodes in the horizontal and vertical positions using (E-6010) electrodes.


Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform 

production welding, millwright and general maintenance welding.

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